Now that Frankenstorm is here, it has given me the opportunity to discuss my love for all things "survival" oriented. While Frankenstorm has brought out the panic in a lot of New Yorkers, Stephanie and I are calm, cool, and collected. A lot of this has to do with the fact that in typical Mobley fashion; we have enough Scotch to last us through a solid 250 days. But another little known reason is that for years, my cousin James Blades and I have spent countless hours preparing for a real life "Red Dawn" situation. Whether that meant stock piling iodine tablets for water, or (more importantly) purchasing multiple law enforcement level flashlights, knifes, shotguns, or zombie killing tools, when it comes to emergency situations ,the Mobleys/Blades are insanely prepared. In fact, our wedding present from my cousin was this sweet ass zombie killing, robber maiming, Axe/Shovel/crowbar combo, known as a "Crovel". While some might question the need for such a tool, we view it as a totally necessary addition to our apartment

Especially considering the fact that the one place you actually need a tactical nine shot Mossberg (New York Fking City), you can't own one within city limits. Therefore, all my weapons are sitting in Idaho with Bob Mobley in what we deem "Bat Cave West". Because of this, owning crovels, is key to city zombie apocalypse survival. If the world really goes to hell though, it will be guaranteed that I head out west to meet up with James (whom you can tell from this picture) is stocked up for survival like the PX Arnold raids in the movie "Commando".
Now, some may call us crazy, but I would rather be Patrick Swayze in Red Dawn, than one of the suckers who thought the Russians were friendly, and ended up in a hole. For those interested in learning the arts of survival, a good place to start is Amazon's "Zombie apocalypse" starter kit. No joke, this exists, and is awesome.Whether's its Frankestorm, riots or zombies, we be chillin.
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